1) I like .... to music. a) listening b) listen c) listens 2) He .... playing football. a) like b) likes c) liking 3) Do you .... watching TV? a) likes b) liking c) like 4) They .... like reading books. a) don't b) doesn't c) not 5) She .... like going shopping. a) not b) doesn't c) don't 6) I don't like ..... the house. a) cleaning b) cleans c) clean 7) She doesn't like .... to the gym.  a) goes b) go c) going 8) They really .... learning English. a) likes b) like c) liking 9) I ... doing sport. a) likes b) liking c) like 10) We like .... grammar.  a) learning b) learn c) learns

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