Are you a decisive or indecisive person? , Is 'being decisive' a good quality to have? , What is the most difficult decision you have ever had to make? , What are some difficult decisions you have to make on a day to day basis?, Who do you turn to for advice?, Do you think you're good at giving advice?, Talk about a difficult situation you had to deal with at work, Talk about a difficult situation you had to deal with at high school/university, What are some difficult decisions you'll have to make in the future?, Why did you decide to study English here?, What’s the best way to go about making difficult decisions?, At what age can you make decisions about your education in your country?, If you were offered a million dollars to swim for 20 minutes with great white sharks would you do it?, What decisions would you make if you were the leader of your country? , Have you decided what you are going to do next year?.

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