1) Portuguese __________ in Brazil. a) is speak b) is spoke c) is spoken 2) The hotel rooms __________ daily. a) are clean b) are cleaned c) is cleaned 3) This beach __________ as the most beautiful in the country. a) is seen b) is saw c) is see 4) The company website __________ frequently. a) are updated b) is updated c) was updated 5) The products __________ via express mail. a) are shipped b) is shipped c) were shipped 6) This sweater __________ to me by a friend. a) is given b) was gave c) was given 7) These letters __________ by a famous author. a) were wrote b) was written c) were written 8) She __________ by the teachers to receive the award. a) was chosen b) was chose c) were chosen 9) We __________ by a knock at the door. a) was all woke up b) were all woken up c) were all waked up 10) The college entrance exam __________ by over 300.000 students. a) was taken b) was took c) was tooken

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