1) Respiratory substrate a) Pyruvate b) Oxygen c) Glucose d) NAD 2) Product of glycolysis a) ADP b) Pyruvate c) Glucose d) NAD 3) Required to phosphorylate glucose and the intermediate molecules a) NAD b) ATP c) Dehydrogenase d) Oxygen 4) The number of ATP molecules used up in glycolysis a) 4 b) 6 c) 1 d) 2 5) The number of ATP molecules produced in glycolysis a) 1 b) 4 c) 2 d) 8 6) Products of the breakdown of ATP a) NAD + NADH b) ADP + Pi c) Pyruvate + oxygen d) Hydrogen + NAD 7) Coenzyme that binds to hydrogen and transports to stage 3 of aerobic respiration. a) NAD b) ATP c) ADP d) Dehydrogenase 8) Forms when hydrogen joins to the coenzyme a) ATP b) Pyruvate c) Glucose d) NADH 9) Enzymes that removes hydrogen during the reactions a) ATP synthase b) catalase c) NAD d) Dehydrogenase 10) Phase in which ATP is used to phosphorylate glucose and the intermediate molecules. a) Energy pay off b) Glycolysis c) Dehydrogenase d) Energy investment 11) Phase where there is a net gain in ATP molecules being produced. a) Glycolysis b) Energy investment c) Energy pay-off d) Dehydrogenase 12) The addition of a phosphate group to a molecule. a) Phosphorylation b) Dehydrogenase c) Glycolysis d) Inhibition

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