Romans: Emperor Claudius invaded with his army in AD 43., Boudicca, queen of the Iceni, fought against them., Emperor Hadrian built a wall to keep out the Picts., They remained in Britain for around 400 years., They built roads and public buildings., Anglo Saxons: By around AD 600 they had established kingdoms in Britain., St Patrick and St Columba came to spread the word of Jesus Christ., St Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury., Sutton Hoo is a famous burial site of one of their kings., They came from the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark., Vikings: They came from Norway, Sweden and Denmark., They first came for the gold and jewels in the monasteries., In the north, people united under Kenneth Alpin in area now known as Scotland., King Alfred the Great defeated them., They lived in an area called Danelaw.,

Romans, Anglo Saxons or Vikings?


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