1) Have you got any cousins? Describe one 2) What's the weather like today? 3) How old are you? 4) How do you spell your name? 5) Do you like pizza? what kind? 6) Have you got any brothers or sisters? 7) Do you like English? Why? 8) Do you have a pet? 9) Do you like animals? 10) What are your parents’ names? 11) Where do you live? Describe it. 12) Where are you going next summer? 13) What do you do on Sunday? 14) What time does school start? 15) What’s your favourite sport? 16) Do you like music? 17) What’s your favourite school subject? Why? 18) How old is your mother? 19) When is your birthday? 20) What’s your favourite day of the week?Why? 21) What is today’s date? 22) Who is your best friend? Describe him or her. 23) What did you do yesterday? 24) Are you good at English? 25) Is your mum good at cooking? And you? 26) Can you play a musical instrument? 27) Were you at home yesterday? 28) What did you do last Sunday? 29) Are you playing tennis today? 30) Did you do your homework? 31) Can your dad cook? 32) Did you speak English last summer? 33) Can you speak French? 34) Has your mother got a car? 35) Did you have breakfast yesterday? 36) What are you doing? 37) Where did you go yesterday? 38) When did you go to the cinema? 39) Where do you come from? 40) When do you usually do your homework? 41) What time is it? 42) Do your grandparents watch TV? 43) What did you watch on TV yesterday? 44) What are you going to eat today? 45) What does your friend look like? 46) What are you going to do next summer? 47) What's your favourite food? 48) What's your favourite sport? 49) What do you usually eat for breakfast/lunch? 50) What do you do every day?



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