1) What will you need to bring before going out of the house at this time of the pandemic?  a) Mask b) Sunscreen c) Make-up 2) During this COVID-19 pandemic, handwashing reduces the amount of viruses in the hands, as well as other microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and others. a) True b) False 3) What PPE will protect you from contacting droplets? a) Face Mask b) Gown/ Aphron c) Gloves 4) What PPE should we wear if it is unavoidable to touch contaminated surfaces? a) Surgical Cap b) Gloves c) Face Mask 5) What PPE provides full coverage of the face; the characteristic of this item is: clear and made out of plastic? a) Face Mask b) Goggles c) Face Shields 6) Everything we touch contains microorganisms that may cause harm in the human health such as diseases and infections. a) True b) False 7) What could be an alternative when hand washing could not be done? a) Alcohol or Sanitizer b) Perfume c) Do not wash your hands at all 8) What can we use to cover our mouths and nose when coughing or sneezing? a) Clothes b) Hands c) Hankerchief or Tissues 9) Always cover your mouth every time you ____ to prevent the spread of possible harmful microorganisms. a) Speak b) Cough/ Sneeze c) Eat 10) _____ is the most effective way of controlling contamination between person to person or person to object. a) Hand Washing b) Isolation c) Wearing Mask 11) A ___-meter social distancing should be observed to reduce the tendency of inhaling infectious droplets. a) 2-meter b) 3-meter c) 1-meter 12) Staying at ____ is highly recommended by the government, especially the health department to ensure that exposure of healthy and infected individuals will be limited or stopped. a) School b) Home c) Hospital 13) A ___-day quarantine is advisable and enforced to the people who had exposure to confirmed COVID-19 patients or those who have developed any related symptoms. a) 12-day Quarantine b) 14-day Quarantine c) 7-day Quarantine 14) A COVID-19 vaccine with 95% vaccine efficacy. a) AstraZeneca b) Pfizer c) Moderna 15) A COVID-19 vaccine with 50% vaccine efficacy. a) Moderna b) J & J c) Sinovac 16) rrange the following steps in handwashing by numbering from 1-7 to reduce the number of microorganisms in your hands. a) 3, 6, 4, 2, 7, 1, 5 b) 3, 4, 6, 2, 7, 1, 5 c) 4, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1, 7 17) The COVID-19 vaccines are effective and reduce the risk of being infected? a) True b) False 18) Once a person is fully vaccinated, an individual could go back and do the activities that were done before the pandemic happened. a) True b) False 19) Having a vaccine shot does not protect us from complications that could be acquired from the virus. a) True  b) False 20) If we perform handwashing properly, the chance of getting the virus will be minimized, together with other health protocols such as disinfecting the hand, social distancing, wearing masks, and staying at home if possible. a) True b) False



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