1) On which night did the Reichstag fire occur? a) 27th February 1933 b) 28th February 1933 c) 2nd March 1933 d) 30th January 1933 2) Who was chancellor of Germany until 1932? a) Von Papen b) Schleicher c) Bruning d) Hitler 3) What article did Hindenburg use on the 28th February? a) 50 b) 48 c) 16 d) 52 4) On 5th March elections, what percentage of the vote did the Nazis win? a) 18 b) 25 c) 45 d) 60 5) What decree was passed which gave Hitler emergency powers a) The decree for the Protection of People and State b) The Decree for the Communists c) The Decree to outlaw Hitler d) The Decree to protect the Civil Service 6) Which parties were banned by the Enabling Act? a) The Nazis b) All of the them apart from the Nazis c) The Labour Party d) The Green Party 7) On what date were the Trade Unions offices broken into? a) 1 May 1933 b) 2 May 1933 c) 4 May 1933 d) 11th November 1933 8) Which leader of the SA was murdered on the Night of the Long Knives a) Rohm b) Hess c) Goering d) Goebbels 9) How many were murdered on the Night of the Long Knives? a) 5000 b) 4000 c) 90 d) 50 10) Who was in charge of Nazi propaganda? a) Goebbels b) Goering c) Hess d) Himmler 11) What was the name of the resistance group that Sophie Scholl belonged to? a) Edelweiss Pirates b) Swing youth c) White Rose Group d) Kreisau Circle 12) How tried to assassinate Hitler on 20th July 1944? a) Dietrich Bonhoeffer b) Claus von Stauffenberg c) Georg Elsner d) Sophie Scholl 13) Who wrote this poem: First they came for the Communists, but I did not speak out because I was not a communist... a) Dietrich Bonhoeffer b) Bishop Galen c) Georg Elsner d) Pastor Niemoller 14) In what year were the Nuremburg Laws? a) 1933 b) 1935 c) 1937 d) 1938 15) What did the Nuremburg Laws deprive the Jews of? a) Citizenship and Marriage b) Books and Jobs c) Jobs and a Fair Trial d) Entrance into parks 16) What was Kristallnacht? a) The Night of the Long Knives b) The Night of Broken Glass c) The Reichstag Fire d) The book burning 17) Which of the following towns did the allies bomb badly in Germany? a) Munich b) Hamburg c) Starsbourg d) Cologne 18) Who were the leaders of the Spartacists? a) Kapp and Rohn b) Ebert and Liebknecht c) Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg d) Kapp and Ebert 19) What limitation was placed on the German army by the Treat of Versailles a) 100 b) 100,000 c) 1,000,000 d) 1,000,000,000 20) When was Hyper Inflation? a) 1923 b) 1924 c) 1929 d) 1933

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