Beginning: Little Red lives in a village near a forest, Little Red's grandma made her a red cloak with a hood, She was called Little Red Riding Hood because she wore the cloak every time she went outside, Little Red's mom makes a basket of food for Red to take to her grandma, Little Red's mom reminds her not to talk to strangers, Little Red begins her journey through the forest, Middle: Little Red sees flowers near the path and stops to pick them for her grandma, The big bad wolf talks to Little Red, Little Red forgot that she isn't supposed to talk to strangers and tells the wolf that she is going to her grandma's cottage, Little Red continues on her way to her grandma's, The wolf is very hungry and runs to the grandma's cottage, The wolf swallows grandma in one gulp, The wolf puts on grandma's glasses and cap and waits for Little Red, Little Red arrives at grandma's house, When Little Red gets closer, she notices something is different about grandma, The wolf keeps telling Little Red to get closer, Once Red is close enough, the wolf swallows her whole, A woodsman outside the cottage hears Little Red scream and goes inside, End: The woodsman turns the wolf upside down and shakes him until Little Red and grandma fell out of the wolf's mouth, The woodsman, Little Red, and grandma chase the wolf away, The wolf was never seen again, Little Red learned to never talk to strangers,

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