1) Which House are you in? a) Byron b) Kipling c) Milton d) Shakespeare e) Chaucer 2) How do you travel to school? a) Walk b) Cycle c) Train d) Bus e) lift in a car f) Other 3) Is living a healthy lifestyle important to you? a) Very much so b) a little bit c) Not at all 4) In year 10 have you attended a club/activity at Beechen Cliff School at lunch or after school? e.g a sports club, chess, choir, physics, school play, reading, code breaking, concert band, mountain biking, F1, computer prog, or other a) Yes b) No 5) In year 10 have you attended a sports club? e.g rugby, football, cricket, rowing, badminton, mountain biking, hockey, tennis, table tennis. a) Yes b) No 6) In year 10 have you played in a fixture against another school for Beechen Cliff? e.g Rugby v KES a) Yes b) No 7) Have you represented your house? e.g cross country, rugby, hockey, football. If the competition hasn't been held yet (Cricket) but you think you will play then select yes. a) Yes b) No 8) Do you play for a club out side of school? a) Yes b) No 9) Do you play for a club outside of school but choose not to represent school? a) Yes I play for a club but not for school b) I play for both a club and school c) I do not play for either school or a club 10) Did you take part in the Great walk? a) Yes b) No c) I was ill/away from school 11) Did you regularly attend a sports club/activity in year 7 or 8 and have since stopped? a) Yes, I used to go and now have stopped b) No I have never done either c) I still attend 12) Do you use the school fitness suite regularly a) Yes weekly b) Sometimes c) No Never 13) Have you attended/taken part in any school club or activity in year 10 that were not available in years 7-9? e.g. climbing, rowing, DofE, Centurion walk, ten tors, fitness suite a) Yes at least one of these b) I play attend other sporting activities but not these c) I do not attend any sports activities

by Anonymous


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