1) добиваться, достигать a) the computer system enables him b) start a career c) achieve d) politician 2) восхищаться a) politician b) law c) against all odds d) admire 3) бестселлер a) best seller b) communicate c) lose control d) ingenious 4) моргать a) voice b) blink c) disease d) universe 5) храбрый a) brave b) completely c) universe d) achieve 6) общаться a) diagnose b) disease c) muscle d) communicate 7) компьютерная система a) diagnose b) against all odds c) computer system d) completely 8) справляться с a) lose control b) enable c) cope with d) best seller 9) поставить диагноз a) actor b) muscle c) diagnose d) cope with 10) заболевание a) disease b) start a career c) against all odds d) despite this 11) позволять, давать возможность a) enable b) completely c) universe d) the reason 12) в итоге, со временем a) as long as b) eventually c) diagnose d) computer system 13) изобретатель a) the reason b) universe c) start a career d) inventor 14) закон a) politician b) the reason c) communicate d) law 15) мышца a) scientist b) blink c) muscle d) best seller 16) политик a) lose control b) politician c) ingenious d) admire 17) ученый a) scientist b) disease c) inventor d) diagnose 18) вселенная a) universe b) despite this c) actor d) eventually 19) инвалидная коляска a) despite this b) wheelchair c) scientist d) communicate 20) несмотря ни на что a) actor b) wheelchair c) computer system d) against all odds 21) терять контроль a) completely b) law c) lose control d) as long as 22) начинать карьеру a) wheelchair b) communicate c) diagnose d) start a career 23) не смотря на это a) despite this b) disease c) communicate d) eventually 24) голос a) despite this b) actor c) voice d) politician 25) полностью a) voice b) completely c) disease d) communicate 26) изобретательный, гениальный a) admire b) despite this c) ingenious d) law 27) компьютерная система помогает ему a) against all odds b) the computer system enables him c) ingenious d) voice 28) причина a) enable b) admire c) the reason d) scientist 29) пока a) muscle b) achieve c) as long as d) inventor 30) актер a) as long as b) actor c) ingenious d) diagnose

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