I am thinking of a shape that has four sides of the same length and four angles of 90 degrees. It has two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel., I am thinking of a shape that has three straight sides and three angles., I am thinking of a shape that has four sides and two pairs of parallel sides. Its opposite sides are equal in length., I am thinking of a shape that is round and all points of its circumference are the same distance from the centre., I am thinking of a shape that has six straight sides and six angles., I am thinking of a shape that has five straight sides and five angles., I am thinking of a shape that has two pairs of parallel sides that meet at right-angles. It has two long sides and two shorter sides., I am thinking of a shape that has four sides. It has one set of parallel sides and usually has two obtuse angles and two acute angles., I am thinking of a shape that has four sides, all the same length. Its opposite sides are parallel.,

guess my 2d shape wordwall

by Anonymous


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