Behavioral: the things organisms do to survive, Canadian geese migrate in winter to get food, Chipmunks collect and store food so they can find it in winter, Opossum's "play dead" to confuse predators, Woodchucks hibernate through the long winter, Leaf insects sway as they walk so that they look like leaves blowing in the wind, Armadillos can roll up into a ball to protect their bodies, An Oak Tree drops its leaves in the winter and is dormant, A spider spinning a web, A lion teaches his young how to hunt., a person blinks their eyes, Physical: the physical features of an organism that helps keep it alive, A rosebush has thorns to discourage animals from eating them, A beavers' front teeth grow continuously to be able to chew wood, The arctic fox has thick fur to keep it warm, Ducks have webbed feet to help swim, Hawks have sharp claws to catch and kill their prey, Rabbits have large ears so they can hear and avoid danger, Leaf insects are shaped like a leaf so predators think they are real leaves, A moose has long legs to walk through deep snow, over bushes, and logs, and wade through marshes, Frogs have long strong legs to hop quickly and far, learning to ride a bike,

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