mild - Last year we had a relatively warm Winter. , breeze - It was a sunny day, with just a light wind. , rainy - We have a lot of wet weather at this time of year. , meteorologist - I would like to be a weather forecaster when I grow up. , humid - The air is always damp in the rainforest. , monsoon - Anna phoned her friend Kate, who lives in England. As usual their conversation started with a discussion about the weather. "Hi Anna. What's the weather like in Singapore today? I expect its sunny as usual." "Not as the moment," said Anna. "It's the ______ season, so we have had a lot of rain. What is it like in England?" , hazy - Kate said, "Since I last spoke to you I think we have only seen the sun once. Even then, they sky was not clear, but rather _____. , dull - "The rest of the time it has been _____ and wet." , drizzling - "The rain today is not so bad, it is only _____." , downpour - "Yesterday we had quite a _____. I was on my way home from the shops and I got absolutely soaked. It is not too cold, but I think I would rather have a blue sky and frost than grey sky and rain.",

(4) - unit 15 - weather - ex 2&3


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