What are the best and the most useful inventions of the mankind in the 20th and 21st centuries?, What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions?  What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions?, Do you know anything about the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci?, Do you think you can live without your mobile or is it now an important part of your daily life?, What Internet services do you use?, How did the Internet influence such things as communication, correspondence, access to information?, What do you think the worst invention of the mankind is? (weapon, atomic energy, cigarettes, television, mobile phones, cars, genetically modified products etc), What do you know about cloning? Who invented it? How does it work?, What do you think about 3D printers which copy body parts (hearts, kidneys, etc.)? Can they save lives?, What is good and bad about human cloning? Do you think it should be prohibited?, Would you like to do some time traveling? What time would you like to visit, what event would you like to witness?, What discoveries and inventions has been made recently to fight aging?, Would you like to be immortal or would you just prefer to remain young throughout your life and die in the end?, What is the use of space exploration? What technologies has space exploration brought to our daily life?, Do you believe that one day people will live on the moon and on other planets?, What do you think was the most important invention in history?, Which machines do you think make our lives easier?, Which machines do you think make our lives more difficult?, Which are the most useless machines, the machines we could live without?, If you could invent any machine, what type of machine would you invent? How big would it be? Would it be for everyone or only the very rich?, What things can you do faster without using a machine?, If you had a 3D printer, what would you print/create?, What do you know about vertical farming? What is good about it?.

Superpowers in the 21st century


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