Simile - Used to compare two things using the words 'like' or 'as': You were as brave as a lion., Metaphor - a figurative speech word or phrase used to compare two things or activity by creating a resemblance between the two. Example: Life is a journey, Hyperbole - Extreme exaggeration / being O.T.T. Example: He's running faster than the wind., Alliteration - Repetition of beginning sounds in words close together. Example: Sheep should sleep in a shed., Onomatopoeia - The word mimics/re-creates the sound of an object or action. Example: boom!, Personification - Giving human characteristics to non living things. Example: Lightning danced across the sky, Idiom - A common phrase which means something different from its literal meaning but can be understood because of their popular use. Example: It's a piece of cake!, Verb - A doing word. Example: to be, to have, to think, to work, to walk, Noun - Identifies people, animals, places, things. Example: Mickey, friend, dog, Liverpool, house, pen, idea., Adverb - A describing word for verbs, they often end in -ly. Example: quickly, very, fast, really, almost, afterward., Adjective - A describing word for nouns. Example: big, beautiful, fantastic, sharp. Fantastic meaningless,

Figurative Language and parts of speech definitions


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