Yes, it is a fact!: At the center of our galaxy is the black hole Sagittarius A., The dog has 39 pairs of chromosomes., Apple reported net income of 57.41 billion U.S. dollars in its 2020 fiscal year., A diamond is a crystalline form of carbon., Krakow was the capital of Poland until 1596., No, it is fake news!: The Chinese wall is the longest object in the world seen from the universe as it measures 21 856 km., Vaccines cause autism., Coca-Cola has been the most profitable company in the world in 10 years., Nostradamus predicted the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center., The capsaicin in chili pepper treats diseases of the digestive system., It is someone’s opinion, not a fact.: Elvis Presley had an ugly voice., Harry Potter is a boring book., Warsaw is a dirty city., People are very cruel., Attention! We do not have the knowledge to assess if it is true!: John Kennedy was murdered in 1963 on the orders of Fidel Castro., In 1947, aliens landed in the American Rossewell.,



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