(in) unison - together or at the same time , standoffs - disagreements or fights in which neither opponent can do anything to win , blaring - music that is is loud and unpleasant , confront - deal with a difficult situation , bonds - connections, relationships , roots - the origins or background of something , burden - the responsibility of paying an amount of money, especially when this is considered too much , bullying - regularly frightening or hurting someone smaller or weaker to establish dominance , intervene - become involved in a situation in order to try to stop or change it , prompting - causing something to happen or be done , disputes - serious disagreement, especially one between groups of people that lasts for a long time, products (of) - people who have particular attitudes or ways of behaving because of the place or time that they live in, or the experiences they have had , absolute - true or right in all situations, interaction - the activity of being with and talking to other people , hostile - behaving in a very unfriendly or threatening way towards someone,


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