1) Why ........................... ? He's not late for school. a) is he running? b) does he run? c) does he running? d) does he is running? 2) She ............................ her clothes in a department store but today ............................ in a market. a) is usually buying - is shopping b) usually buys - she shops c) usually buys - she is shopping d) is usually buying - she shops 3) My sister ................. at the moment. She ..................... any homework to hand in. a) doesn't study - doesn't have b) isn't studying - is not having c) doesn't study - is not having d) is not studying - doesn't have 4) Sarah .................... doing yoga, but she ................. team games. a) is not liking - is enjoying b) doesn't like - enjoys c) is not liking - enjoys d) not likes - enjoys 5) I'm ..................... work now, I ............... time! a) go to - am not having b) going to - don't have c) go to - have not d) going to -haven't 6) There isn't ............. space for my books. a) enough b) many c) few d) no 7) On the walls I only have ................... posters because my mum doesn't like them. a) much b) little c) few d) a lot of 8) On the shelf above my desk there are ............. colorful lamps. a) little b) how many c) some d) none 9) I collect modern lamps from markets but I don't want to buy ............... a) some b) too many c) too much d) no 10) Do you have .................. curtains in your room? a) some b) a lot of c) any d) much 11) .............. money do you have in your wallet? a) Much b) How much c) How many d) How lot of 12) Do you have milk in the fridge? I can see ....... . Can you buy two ..............., please? a) none - litres b) none - bars c) no - litres d) any - litres 13) How about ............ meat? Can you buy three hamburgers and a ............... of tomato paste for the sauce? a) some - tube b) enough - can c) any - bunch d) some - dozen 14) "Is there ............... rice for the risotto?" " We've got three ..............." a) many - bars b) many - packets c) enough - packets d) enough - bunches 15) Can you buy a ..................... eggs for the omelette, please? We've got .............. eggs in the fridge. a) dozen - none b) dozen - no c) carton - no d) carton - any 16) I'm on a diet and I don't want ............... sweets in the house. No more ........ of chocolate! a) any - bars b) no - bars c) some - bars d) any - litres 17) Please buy ................ apples. a) a few b) a little c) any d) little 18) We need a .............. of grapes for this recipe. a) spoon b) tube c) bunch d) carton

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