1) enter a) a number b) the signal c) your phone d) a call 2) make a) the phone on silent b) a call c) the signal d) your voicemail 3) lose a) the signal b) data roaming c) a number to the contact d) the phone on silent 4) put a) your voicemail b) credit c) the phone on silent d) a message 5) recharge a) a number b) the signal c) your phone d) your voicemail 6) listen to a) data roaming b) your voicemail c) your phone d) a number 7) leave a) a message b) data roaming c) a call d) somebody on loudspeaker 8) top up a) data roaming b) a message c) somebody on loudspeaker d) your mobile 9) disable / enable a) data roaming b) credit c) a call d) a number to the contacts list 10) save / add a) credit b) a number to the contacts list c) the signal d) somebody on loudspeaker 11) put a) a call / somebody on loudspeaker b) credit c) your mobile d) data roaming 12) run out of a) data roaming b) your voicemail c) credit d) a message

Solutions Inter U 8A Collocations: using a mobile phone


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