1) What  is the official name of the country? a) The Belarusian Federation b) The Kingdom of Belarus c) The Republic of Belarus 2) Where is Belarus? a) Between Poland and Russia b) In North America c) In Asia 3) What is the population of Belarus? a) About 5mln people b) About 10 mln people c) 1.8 mln people 4) What is the area of the country? a) 442 thousand square km b) 130 thousand square km c) 207.6 thousand square km 5) We celebrate Independence Day on the... a) 1st of March b) 3rd of June c) 3rd of July 6) What is the largest lake in Belarus? a) Lake Svityas b) Lake Baikal c) Lake Naroch 7) How many official languages are there in Belarus? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 8) Whish top-ranked tennis player is from Belarus? a) Maria Sharapova b) Anna Kurnikova c) Viktoria Azarenka 9) M. Radzivil Sirotka built this famous castle. a) Mir castle b) Nesvizh castle c) Grodno castle 10) What famous messenger was created in Belarus? a) What's up b) Viber c) Facebook messenger


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