(Chciałbyś)................... to go to the cinema?, She (meet) ................................. her parents tomorrow. , I like her (ponieważ jest) ...................................... cheerful and funny., The train (leave) ............................... at three p.m, They (pomogą Ci) ............................................, (Dodaj trochę) .................................... sugar and salt. , (Co powiesz na) .................................. buying this flat?, She (zamierza pojechać) ...................................... to London. , Is there / it two p.m?, Sorry, but I (nie pożyczę Ci żadnych)............................... money. , I work (żeby zarobić)............................ some money. , (Ten łosoś jest) .............................. too salty. , Is she (gotowa żeby zamówić) .............................................. ? , I think (ona będzie) ................................ a great teacher. , I have to (zarezerwować stolik) ..................................................., (Otworzysz okno)......................................., please?, (Zapłacę)...................................... the bill. .


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