1) As fast as Ivan left his hometown and moved to the capital he cut ties with all of his friends. a) to improve relationships b) to end relationships c) to start communicating even better 2) It's important to respect your significant other. a) relative-in-law b) pet c) spouse or romantic partner 3) Stop stalking me or I'll call the police! a) to follow and watch someone illegally  b) to date someone c) to bully someone 4) She paid me a visit a couple of times when I was in hospital. a) to visit someone b) to call someone c) to see someone off 5) Why did you bring him along? We were supposed to be alone! a) to insult someone b) to take someone or something with you when you go somewhere c) to make someone leave 6) We met and hit it off and decided to work together. a) to get on well with someone  b) to avoid someone c) to care for someone 7) It was the turning point for their relationsips when he found out that she cheated on him. a) something unimportant b) not key point c) a moment at which a situation changes in an important way 8) Come on, Helen, give him a shot, he's a nice guy a) to try to do something  b) to not communicate with someone  c) to ignore someone 9) To propose her, was a really bold move for me. a) disgusting behaviour/did b) unappropriate situation c) a spontaneous, often brave move/did/action 10) There are not that many inevitabile things in our life. Death is one of them. a) it's the situation that we can change whenever we want b) it's something that can't be changed c) it's something important

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