1) Fully describe this transformation a) reflect horizontally b) reflect vertically c) flip d) reflect in line y=0 e) translate f) reflect in (2,0) 2) Fully describe this transformation a) flip b) reflect in (0,2) c) reflect vertically d) reflect horizontally e) reflect in line x=0 f) reflect in line y=0 3) Fuly describe this transformation a) reflect in line y=x b) reflect in line y= -x c) rotate 90 degrees d) rotate 270 degrees e) flip f) reflect through (0,0) 4) Fully describe this transformation a) flip b) vertical reflection c) horizontal reflection d) reflect in line x=1.5 e) reflect in line y=1.5 f) mirror image 5) Fully describe this transformation a) translate -6 -6 b) translate 6 6 c) translate -6 6 d) translate 6 -6 e) reflect in line y = -x f) reflect trough (0,0) 6) A vector is used to describe which type of transformation a) reflection b) translation c) rotation d) enlargement e) stretch f) none

by Anonymous


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