analogy - figurative language that makes comparisons in unexpected ways. The pupose is to show similarities in process or in structure, anecdote - a short narrative that relates an intersting or amusing incident, usually in order to make a larger point, argumentative text - a text in which the writer develops and defends a position or debates a topic using logic and persuauion, audience - the intended target group for a message, regardless of the medium, bandwagon appeals - a persuasive technique used in media messages that appeals to the everyone is doing it mentality, bias - a particular inclination, feeling, or opinion about a subject that is often preconceived or unreasoned, circular logic/reasoning - a logical fallacy in which an assumption is made in a definition or argument that includes the very point that one is trying to prove, claim - an assertion, position, or arguable thesis about a topic or issue, counterargument - a viewpoint that opposes an author's thesis or claim., credibility - the quality of having reliable and trustworthy characteristics , evidence - specific details or fcts that support an inference or idea, faulty reasoning - a logically incorrect argument, or fallacy that contains a conclusion that is not supported by data, has limited information, and/or includes personal opinion or bias, juxtaposition - two or more words, phrases, or ideas placed close together in order to compare or contrast them for effect, loaded language - a term or phrase that has strong emotional overtones and that is meant to evoke strong reactions beyond the specific meaning, logical fallacy - an incorrect or problematic argument that is not based on sound reasoning, multimodal texts - the strategic integration of two or more modes of communication to create meaning, including written and spoken texts, images, gestures, music, digital texts and media, and live performances, reliable source - a credible or beliveable source, repetition - a literary device that repeats the same word or phrase in order to emphasize an idea, detail, or point and may contribute to an author's style and tone, rhetorical device - a technique tat an author or speaker uses to influence or persuade an audience, synthesize - to combine elements and parts to form a coherent whole,

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