Fact : Diamonds are made from carbon., KFC is a fast food restaurant., The Sun is a tabloid newspaper., The FA premier league started in 1992., The film ‘Birdman’ won the 2015 best film Oscar., Danebury is in Hampshire., This is a dry wine., Dogs are the UK's most popular pets - 26% own a dog., Boris Johnson became prime minister of the UK on July 24, 2019., Lilies can grow anywhere between 2 to 6ft tall., Opinion: Diamonds so expensive to buy - I'll never have one.., Come on - KFC is alright once in a while., I think the Sun is an entertaining read., The premier league seems to be a fascinating competition., I think ‘Birdman’ was a successful and entertaining film., I’ve been to Danebury and I think it’s lovely., This wine is too dry for me., I believe dogs are better pets than cats., Kier thinks Boris Johnson is a poor prime minister., My partner thinks lilies smell too strong for the home., Bias: Diamonds are the most beautiful objects in the world. (Goldsmiths), KFS is the most unhealthy restaurant there is. (Vegan Website), The Sun newspaper is the finest newspaper on sale today. (Publisher), FA player: 'The premier league is the best football league in the world., Review: ‘Birdman’ is the greatest film ever made., Danebury is the loveliest place in Hampshire - Tourist board, This wine is the driest you will ever taste - Winemaster, According to a Crufts poll, dogs make the best companions., A BBC spokesperson said Boris Johnson's friendly demeanour and humour make him a favourite on talk shows., Florists say lilies are one of the most loved flowers in the world.,

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