1) You can watch it on animal planet channel. a) news b) documentary c) cartoon 2) You can watch it on HBO channel. a) news b) music videos c) series 3) You can watch it on Holly Qura'an channel. a) sport b) reciting HQ c) weather 4) You watch this to see if it's going to be rainy or sunny. a) weather b) news c) comedy programme 5) People like watching this because it's funny. a) horror film b) comedy programme c) quiz show 6) You can see Mickey if you like watching this. a) comedy programme b) film c) cartoon 7) I don' like watching this, because It's too scary. a) drama b) romance c) horror film 8) In this film people usually feel sad. a) drama b) news c) romance 9) You watch this to see what's happening in the world. a) weather b) quiz show c) news 10) You watch this show to see how much you know about the world. a) test b) news c) quiz

Unit 4 Lesson 6 : watching television programmes


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