Getting started: Which one shall we start with?, Would you like to start?, Agreeing: I see eye to eye with you on this one (because...), I'd go along with that (because...), I couldn't have put it better myself ..., You have a point there., Disagreeing: I'm not sure about that (because...), The problem with what you said is... , That's not always the case (because...), I'd say the exact opposite (because...) (strong) I'd say the exact opposite., Asking for opinion: What are your thoughts/views on all of this?, Where do you stand on .... ?, What's your take on .... ?, Have you considered .... ?, Interrupting: Is it okay if I jump in for a second?, If I might add something..., Can I throw my two cents in?, Settling an argument: I think we're going to have to agree to disagree., Let's just move on, shall we?, Expressing my opinion: As far as (...) is/are concerned, , The way I see it, ... , Quite frankly, … / Frankly speaking, ..., I’m entirely/quite convinced that … ,


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