When Tom was a youngster he cared a lot about money. He received a weekly ____ from his parents and started saving it because he wanted to go to college. He opened a ____at a local bank that paid good ____, so his savings grew. When he started college he didn't have much money, but he had a ____ and stuck to it. He always kept track of the money he spent, and when he bought things, he always paid in ____. One day Tom bought a ____ ticket and, to his surprise, won a million dollars. From that day on everything in his life changed. Instead of investing the money in ____ and bonds, Tom went on a ____ spree. He bought a house, expensive clothes and a sports car. He spent a lot of money on travel, entertainment and going out with lovely girls. After about a year, Tom had nothing left, so he applied for a ____ and started charging his everyday ____. In order to pay off his college tuition ____, he took out a ____, which he is still paying off. As time went on, Tom got his finances under control. Although he has a good job now, but he still hasn't got out of ____


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