Reaction needs ____ to control them. ____ are protein catalysts that control reactions in organisms. Each catalyst is ____ to a certain substrate. ____ means an enzyme can only work on a specific substrate. This is because each enzyme has a unique ____ that only fits to a specific substrate during ____ action. This is explained in the ____ hypothesis. Enzymes are made of ____ biomolecules. This means enzymes are made from a chain of ____ which are monomer of proteins. Enzymes can be affected by t____, ____, i____ and ____ concentrations. If the temperature is too high the enzymes are said to be ____ because the ____ of the active site has been ____. If the temperature is too low they are said to ____. The effect of pH is the same as that of temperature. They both denature the shape of the enzyme. Enzymes work by reducing the ____ of a reaction. This activation energy is ____ to starting a reaction. It is analogous to a car ____ a hill. The hill is a barrier to the car speed. ____ is the study of heredity and inheritance of characteristics. A ____ is a square diagram that is used to predict the ____ of a particular cross or breeding experiment. A ____ is the physical appearance of an organism. Alleles comes in different combinations. If alleles are the same they are called ____, if they are different they are called ____. Upper case allele is considered ____ while lower case allele is considered ____. This happens during c____. However there are case of incomplete dominance or codominance when none of the trait is dominant. All alleles are expressed as ____ letters. Genetics comes with variation. There are three causes of variation. They include, ____, independent ____ and Fertilization. Some of these happens during meiosis. Meiosis results in production of ____ cells while mitosis results in production of ____ cells. Further Meiosis results in production of ____ while Mitosis results in production of ____.

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