California condor, hyacinth macaw, snowy owl, bald eagle, piping plover, inca tern, brown pelican, kakapo, forest owlet, Philippine eagle, lears macaw, Atlantic puffin, secratarybird, scarlet honeycreeper, Gouldian finch, blue throated macaw, northern bald ibis, grey crowned crane, bali myna, regent honeyeater, Hawaiian crow, Bengal florican, crested ibis, resplendent quetzal, African grey parrot, takahe, shoebill, spixs macaw, whooping crane, white rumped vulture, orange bellied parrot, rockhopper penguin, Mariana fruit dove, kiwi, hooded grebe, great currassow, ultramarine lorikeet, Hawaiian goose, Egyptian vulture, greater prairie chicken, greater sage grouse, Christmas island frigatebird, kagu, red headed vulture, great Indian bustard, black skimmer, african penguin, golden cheeked warbler, Puerto Rican nightjar, yellow eyed penguin,

endangered birds of the world


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