1) If I had a good day ... a) I would play a game with my friends. b) I go to the cinema. c) I will be happier. d) I would have gone shopping. 2) If John is free on Saturday... a) I would be sad! b) we will go to the cinema together. c) he can have a party. d) I would like to eat with him. 3) My parents will be very proud of me ... a) if I had studied hard. b) if I won the tournament! c) if I wouldn't have failed the exam! d) if I pass the medicine exam. 4) You wouldn't have failed the exam if... a) you had studied harder. b) you will stay at home more often. c) you are smarter. d) the teacher was more generous. 5) If you had eaten something at home... a) you will be healthy. b) you hadn't spend money at the vending machine! c) you wouldn't have been sick. d) you will not interrupt your diet. 6) If you had told me... a) I will be excited! b) I would have known about the event. c) I would have been happier. d) I would pay for you! 7) If Mark tidied his room... a) I won't broke my leg. b) he will have permission to go out with his friends c) He can relax. d) His Mum wouldn't punish him. 8) If you get a job... a) you had found your own house. b) you'll be independent. c) you can pay your bills. d) you would get a salary. 9) I will celebrate ... a) if I win next game. b) if you had an upgrade. c) if I didn't loose the tournament. d) if my mother gave me pocket money.


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