1) Select the exclamatory phrase a) It wasn't very funny. b) I was only joking. c) It's a joke! 2) What is a semantic field? a) A group of words linked to an object/place/idea b) A place for semantic sheep c) A type of list 3) An adverb's job is a) To describe how a verb is being done b) To create drama c) To link paragraphs together 4) A modal verb a) issues a command b) describes movement c) describes obligation/ability 5) Tone is: a) A type of metaphor b) The way something is expressed c) The way writers show annoyance at something 6) 'Perspective' is a) An attitude or point of view b) A type of spectacle cleaner c) A point of view about glass 7) An imperative verb a) Is used to show humour b) Expresses doubt c) Issues a command 8) A noun: a) is the name of an object or thing b) describes movement c) describes where something is 9) A preposition: a) Describes a verb b) Demands an answer c) Describes location or time 10) A writer changes focus when: a) They put their glasses on b) They move from one place/subject to another c) They start a new sentence 11) Which of these could you focus on when analysing structure? a) metaphors and similes b) pathetic fallacy and personification c) beginnings and endings 12) Hyperbole is: a) an exciting topic b) exaggeration c) a run-on line in poetry

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