1) If you put power of 0 at number 5, the answer will be .... a) 0 b) 5 c) 1 d) 2 2) What is a chord (in mathematical manner)? a) Section of a circle bounded by 2 points on the circle b) A line section from one point on the circle to another c) A line which touches the surface of the circle at one point 3) Which number has the most factors ? a) 3 b) 4 c) 6 d) 7 4) What is the sum of the interior angles of an octagon ? a) 360 b) 7200 c) 1080 d) 1260 5) What is the descripition of mean ? a) A number that occurs the most times in a table b) Sum of all the frequencies in the table divided by the number of observations c) A number which is in the middle of all the number, when all the numbers written in acending order d) A number which always mean to everyone 6) which one of these is rectangular pyramid ? a) No. 1 b) No. 2 c) No. 3 7) How do you find the length of hypotenuse ? a) base squared * height squared, then square root b) base squared / height squared, then square root c) base squared + height squared, then square root d) base squared - height squared, then square root 8) If one interior angle of a triangle measures 35 degrees, what's the measure of the exterior angle. a) 140 b) 141 c) 142 d) 143 e) 144 f) 145 9) The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior adjacent angles. a) Yes b) No 10) What is the measure of each angle in an equilateral triangle a) 55 b) 180 c) 60 d) 70 e) 62 11) An angle which is cointerior to D and corresponding to B. a) F b) G c) A d) H e) D 12) Sum of two _________ interior angles equals exterior angle. a) Adjacent b) Linear c) Opposite d) Supplementary 13) 5xy * 2 (x squared) y a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


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