una pandilla - a gang, muy conocida - very well-known, pasamos tiempo juntos - we spend time together, una fraternidad - a fraternity, no estoy del todo seguro - I am not very sure, tener una identidad - to have an identity, es un poco más triste - it´s a bit sadder, viene de una familia - he comes from a family, sus padres no le tratan bien - his parents don´t treat him well, prefiere estar en la calle - he prefers to be on the street, tenía baja la autoestima - he had a low self-steem, tenía muchos problemas en el instituto - he had lots of problems in school, un modelo a seguir - a role model to follow, es una salida a sus problemas - it's a way out from his problems, ganar y ahorrar dinero - to earn and save money, pandilleros - gang members/ gangters, venden drogas - they sell drugs, se meten en peleas - they get involved in fights, cometen todo tipo de delitos - they commit every type of crimes, nos encargamos - we are in charge on, seguridad - safety, barrio - neighbourhood, últimamente - lately, he tenido - I have had, muchas citas - lots of dates, vamos armados - we go armed,

Las Pandillas - Listening Pre-Task


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