1) What is the past tense of eat? a) eaten b) ate c) ated d) eated 2) Mary _____ to the supermarket yesterday. a) goed b) goes c) went d) wented 3) What is the present tense of taught? a) teached b) teaching c) teacher d) teach 4) an irregular past tense verb . . . a) ends in 'ed' b) is strange c) doesn't end in ed 5) Kate did not ______ last night. a) work b) worked c) working 6) Sorry I _______ hear you calling. a) wasn't b) didn't c) am not 7) The movie was so sad she ____ all night. a) cried b) cryed c) cry d) is crying 8) ____ you do your homework last night? a) Does b) Did c) Are 9) what is the past tense of swim? a) swimming b) swum c) swam 10) I ______ him here an hour ago. a) was seeing b) saw c) seen d) sees 11) The balloon ________ on the grass. a) popped b) pop c) poped 12) I went _______ my friends last night. a) visited b) to visit c) visits 13) What is the past tense of wake? a) woked b) waked c) wakes d) woke e) woken 14) _____ you see the news last night? a) Was b) Are c) Did d) Is

by Anonymous


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