1) Is this your house? a) Yes, it's mine. b) Yes, it's my. 2) These are Laura's shoes. a) Yes, they're hers. b) Yes, they're his. 3) Is green your favourite colour? a) Yes, green is my favourite colour. b) Yes, green is mine favourite colour. 4) My house has a swimming pool. a) It's our swimming pool. b) It's ours swimming pool. 5) Whose pet is this? a) It's Sally's bunny. It's her. b) It's Sally's bunny. It's hers. 6) This is my brother kicking the ball. a) He name is John. b) His name is John. 7) Is this your volleyball? a) Yes, it's mine. b) Yes, it's my. 8) Look! Kayla is dancing. a) She is your new classmate. b) She is yours new classmate. 9) Is this their lawn? a) Yes, it's their. b) Yes, it's theirs. 10) Jane, my ball is green.... a) .... but yours is red, isn't it? b) .... but your is red, isn't it? 11) Whose book is this? a) It's yours. b) It's your. 12) This is Peter's new girlfriend. a) Her name is Kate. b) Hers name is Kate. 13) Is this Peter's doughnut? a) Yes, it's he. b) Yes, it's his. 14) Where are you looking at? a) At my new car. Its colour is cool. b) At my new car. It colour is cool.

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