Simile - Where one thing is compared to another thing, using a connective word, such as ‘like’ or ‘as’., Metaphor - A comparison showing the similarity between two quite different things, where one is described as the other., Personification - Presenting an object as having human characteristics. For example: ‘the flowers peeped out of the earth’., Verb - A ‘doing’ word. A word that shows actions, thoughts, feelings or the state of being. For example: ‘kicking’, ‘running’, ‘singing’., Adjective - A word that describes a noun., Alliteration - Repetition of initial consonants for a specific effect., Adverb - Words that are used to modify verbs, adjectives or whole sentences., Onomatopoeia - A word that sounds like the sound it describes, for example: 'bang', 'fizz', 'boom'., Sibilance - Making a 's' or 'sh' sound, Imagery - language which helps create a image in your mind, Antonym - A word opposite to meaning to another, Synonym - A word with the same or similar meaning to another,


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