Einstein - Formulated the General and Special Theory of Relativity, Jenner - The pioneer of the smallpox vaccination and the father of immunology., Fleming - Scientist who discovered penicillin (one of the most powerful of all antibiotics), Tesla - Scientist who discovered that radio waves are emitted by stars (cosmic radio waves), Faraday - Scientist who discovered magnetic fields and electrolysis, Newton - The first scientist to explain white light as a mixture of the seven colours of the visible spectrum, Darwin - Scientist who proposed the theory of evolution, Curie - A pioneer in the field of radioactivity, Bohr - Physicist who made fundamental contributions to understanding atomic structure, Planck - Physicist who is considered to be the founder of quantum theory, Galileo - The first scientist to observe the Four largest moons of Jupiter, Roentgen - Scientist who discovered X-rays, Thomson - Scientist who discovered the electron, Maxwell - A Physicist who formulated electromagnetic theory, Pasteur - A microbiologist who made remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and preventions of diseases, Higgs - A Physicist who proposed the idea of a particle which is responsible for mass, Rutherford - A Physicist who first proposed the idea of an atom having a positively charged nucleus, Hubble - A Physicist who proved using scientific evidence that the Universe is expanding, Mendeleev - A Chemist who created the first version of the Periodic Table of Elements, Schrodinger - A Physicist who was one of the major founders of quantum mechanics using cats,

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