There’s a sliver of a ____ out there, a new moon. I wonder if they’re looking at it back at ____. Bertha used to ____ at the moon, I remember. Tommo remembers when they buried Bertha. They didn’t ____or talk because they were too ____ at the Colonel to say anything. Then Big Joe ____. No-one minds because he usually goes out, but when he doesn’t come back for dinner everyone begins to worry. They know something is wrong because Big Joe is afraid of the ____. They go out to ____ for him. Nobody can ____ him. They even went to the Colonel’s ____ to ask for help. They went to the ____ to ask for help and lots of people went to ____ for him. They looked on their land, in their sheds and in their barns. They said they would ____ the church bells if nobody ____ him.Molly remembers that Big Joe once said that ____ was at the top of the ____ tower and that he might want to be with Bertha so they go to the church to look for him. Charlie and Tommo find Big Joe ____ in the tower and sucking his thumb.


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