1) What are you good ___ ? 2) When did you learn to swim? 3) What time does the plane take ___ ? 4) Yesterday at school something turned out badly = something went ___ . 5) What time will your lesson be ___ (finish)? 6) What present did you give ___ your mom? 7) What do you have to do immediately after the lesson? 8) What information shouldn't be ___ (share) ___ a stranger? 9) What do you suggest ___ (do) today? 10) My best friend has SUCH / SO a good taste when it comes to ___ . 11) My birthday party is ___ Saturday. It starts ___ the evening ___ 8 o'clock. 12) John is my best friend. I met ___ when I was 10. 13) Which sport ___ your best friend prefer? Which sport ___ you prefer? 14) Her party is next Friday. I hope there ___ ___ a lot of cool guys. 15) It ___ (never/snow) in my city. 16) What do you ___ (want/try) in your life? 17) They built this school last month. = This school ___ ___ last month. 18) My dog is interested ___ chasing cats. 19) My dog is keen ___ jumping on every guest. 20) Mom, where is my phone? I've been looking ___ it for an hour. 21) What are you afraid ___ ? 22) I decided ___ (watch) a film tonight. 23) I was ___ (excite) because the excursion was ___ (excite). 24) Unfortunately I lost because I was too slow. = I wasn't ___ ___ . 25) When was the last time you went to the theatre? (make 2 sentences, one with Past Simple, one with Present Perfect) 26) How ___ free time do you have today? 27) How ___ times have you been to MCER? 28) This is OTHER / ANOTHER good example. 29) These are OTHER / ANOTHER advantages of studying English. 30) How ___ furniture do you have in your room? 31) How ___ information did you get today? 32) How long does it ___ to get from Marki to the centre of Warsaw? 33) Paper should be ___ (recycle). 34) I can't stand ___ (finish the sentece). 35) You must always listen ___ your parents. 36) I have A FEW / FEW good marks, my parents won't be happy. 37) I can help you, I still have A LITTLE / LITTLE free time. 38) I haven't been to the playground SINCE / FOR a was a kid. 39) We ___ a photo in front of the school last week. 40) I've never seen ___ before. (your own idea)


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