Our planet is very beautiful. There are a lot of deep seas and mighty rivers, high mountains and great forests, white plains and green valleys. We think that whatever we do, the Earth will remain the same. But we are wrong. The world is ____. Here are significant current environmental issues: ____. Air pollution is theatening everyone on Earth. Factories contribute greatly to air pollution. Water pollution also ____ our planet. Industrial waste from factories is one of the causes of the water pollution. ____ is another environmental issue. During past decades, the accumulation of greenhouse gases has grown significantly. Global warming leads to ____, ____, diseases and increase in hurricanes frequency. ____ is also a serious ecological problem. Deforestation is when forests are destroyed and not replanted. People clear forests to make farms, build houses and roads. The ____ of deforestation can be devastating. They may cause ____ and global warming. Some animals and plants in our world are very common. Other species are very rare. These species are ____. Pollution, climatic changes, ____, deforestations are the reason why most animals and plants have become endangered.


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