1) A scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic refers to a) A. Socialism  b) B. Oversight c) C. Remake d) D. Research 2) Following are objectives of research Except a) A. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it  b) B. To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group c) C. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else d) D. To facilitate gut feeling 3) What makes people to undertake research? Except a) A. Desire to be of service to society;  b) B. Desire to get unresourceful identity c) C. Desire to get respectability d) D. Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some creative work; 4) This is not a type of research a) A. Conceptual  b) B. Empirical c) C. Longitudinal Research.  d) D. Casual 5) All those methods/techniques are used for the conduction of research. Refers to a) A. Research Methods  b) B. Research Methodology c) C. Research Design d) D. Research Technique 6) The First step of the research process is a) A. Extensive literature survey  b) B. Development of working hypotheses c) C. Formulating the research problem d) D. Preparing the research design 7) It refers to some difficulty, that a researcher experiences in the context of either a theoretical or a practical situation and wants to obtain a solution for the same a) A. Research Solution   b) B. Research Problem c) C. Research Gap d) D. Research Method 8) A research proposal outlines the research process that is to be undertaken so that others can examine the ____________ and appropriateness. a) A. Appearance  b) B. Validity c) C. Relevance d) D. Authority 9) Which of the following is not a function of a research proposal of a study? a) A. What is proposed to be done in a study  b) B. Why proposed strategies of investigation are selected c) C. What answers have been found to what is proposed d) D. How answers will be found to what is proposed 10) The proposal should start with ______________. a) A. The proposed structure of the report  b) B. Sampling technique c) C. A time frame of the proposed research d) D. An overview of the main area under study 11) Following are features of a research design Except a) A. It is a plan that specifies the sources and types of information relevant to the research problem.  b) B. It is a strategy specifying which approach will be used for gathering and analysing the data. c) C. It also includes the time and cost budgets d) D. It hides cost and expected outcome due to uncertainty 12) The formidable problem that follows the task of defining the research problem is the preparation of the design of the research project, popularly known as the a) A. Research Process  b) B. Research Design c) C. Research Techniques d) D. Research Methods 13) Following is not a feature of good research design a) A. The means of obtaining information;  b) B. The availability and skills of the researcher and his staff, if any; c) C. The objective of the problem to be studied; d) D. The ambiguous nature of the problem to be studied 14) In communication research, a ------------variable is a variable that links the independent and the dependent variables, and whose existence explains the relationship between the other two variables. a) A. Confounding Variable  b) B. Extraneous Variable c) C. Mediating variable d) D. Moderating Variable 15) “controlled variable,” “manipulated variable,” “explanatory variable,” “exposure variable,” are also called as a) A. Independent Variable  b) B. Dependent Variable c) C. Moderating Variable d) D. Mediating variable 16) All case studies involve the documentation of the process of: a) A. Exploring Alternative Choices  b) B. Strategic Decision-Making c) C. Storytelling d) D. Evaluating A Problem 17) In a case study, the executive summary is placed: a) A. As a part of Introduction  b) B. At the end c) C. At the beginning  d) D. As per required 18) In the scientific study of a problem, opinions are not allowed because they are not a) A. Subjective  b) B. Widely Known c) C. Written d) D. Facts 19) A statement made about a population for testing purposes is called a) A. Statistic  b) B. Hypothesis c) C. Level of Significance d) D. Test-Statistic 20) If the assumed hypothesis is tested for rejection, considering it to be true is called?  a) A. Null Hypothesis  b) B. Statistical Hypothesis c) C. Simple Hypothesis d) D. Composite Hypothesis 21) A statement whose validity is tested based on a sample is called. a) A. Null Hypothesis  b) B. Statistical Hypothesis c) C. Simple Hypothesis d) D. Composite Hypothesis 22) If the null hypothesis is false then which of the following is accepted? a) A. Null Hypothesis  b) B. Positive Hypothesis c) C. Negative Hypothesis  d) D. Alternative Hypothesis. 23) The chapter that details the way in which the research was conducted in the---------chapter a) A. Introduction b) B. Literature Review c) C. Research Methodology d) D. Data Analysis 24) What is good research? The following are correct except a) A. Purpose Clearly Defined b) B. Research process detailed c) C. Research design thoroughly planned d) D. Findings Presented Ambiguously 25) “Conclusions must necessarily follow from the premises.” Identify the type of arguments that follows the above condition. a) A. Induction b) B. Combination of Induction and Deduction c) C. Deduction d) D. Variables 26) One of the terms given below is defined as “a bundle of meanings or characteristics associated with certain events, objects, conditions, situations, and the like a) A. Construct b) B. Definition c) C. Concept d) D. Variable 27) This is an idea or image specifically invented for a given research and/or theory-building purpose a) A. Concept b) B. Definition c) B. Construct d) D. Variables 28) The following are the synonyms for independent variables except a) A. Stimulus b) B. Manipulated c) C. Consequence d) D. Presumed Cause 29) The following are the synonyms for dependent variables except a) A. Presumed effect b) B. Measured Outcome c) C. Response d) D. Predicted from… 30) Every research proposal regardless of length should include two basic sections. They are: a) A. Research question and research methodology b) B. Research proposal and bibliography c) C. Research method and schedule d) D. Research question and bibliography 31) The purpose of __________________ research is to help in the process of developing a clear and precise statement of the research problem rather than in providing a definitive answer. a) A. Marketing b) B. Causal c) C. Descriptive d) D. Exploratory 32) The quality of research to produce almost identical results in successive repeated trials reflects its: a) A. Reliability b) B. Validity c) C. Accuracy d) D. Visibility 33) A systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypothesis is called ------------ a) A. Applied Research b) B. Basic Research c) C. Scientific Research d) D. None Of The Above 34) If the researcher is concerned with finding out who, what where, when, or how much, then the study is -- a) A. Exploratory b) B. Empirical c) C. Causal d) D. Descriptive 35) If the study is carried out once and represent a snapshot of one point in time, then the study is --------- a) A. Time-related study b) B. Longitudinal study c) C. Cross-sectional study d) D. Case studies 36) If the study is repeated over an extended period, then the study is called as ___________ a) A. Time-related study b) B. Longitudinal study c) C. Cross-sectional study d) D. Case studies 37) When we try to explain the relationships among variables, the study is called a) A. Exploratory study b) B. Longitudinal study c) C. Causal study d) D. Cross-sectional study 38) Some major descriptors of research design are the following except a) A. Descriptive and causal b) B. Exploratory vs formalized c) C. Cross-sectional vs longitudinal d) D. Honorary vs beneficial 39) We test the causal hypothesis by seeking to do three things. Those are the following except a) A. Measure the co-variation among variables b) B. Ignoring the relationships of one variable with the other c) C. Determine the time order relationships among variables D. Ensure that other factors do not confound the exploratory relationships d) D. Ensure that other factors do not confound the exploratory relationships 40) ____________________ presents a problem, discusses related research efforts, outlines the data needed for solving the data and shows the design used to gather and analyze the data. a) A. Research Question b) B. Research Proposal c) C. Research Design d) D. Research Methodology 41) “Number of cars in a parking lot”, “Number of students in a class” are examples a) A. Dichotomous variable. b) B. Discrete variable. c) C. Continuous variable. d) D. None of the above 42) Exploratory research design includes: a) A. Secondary Data Analysis. b) B. The who, what, when, where, and how of a topic c) C. Reciprocal Relationship. d) D. Asymmetrical Relationship e) B. The who, what, when, where, 43) Which of these is not an exploratory research design. a) A. Secondary data analysis b) B. Experience survey c) C. Focus group d) D. Reporting 44) -----exists when two variables mutually influence or reinforce each other a) A. Reciprocal relationship b) B. Symmetrical relationship c) C. Asymmetrical relationship d) D. Causal relationship 45) Kellogg seeks to determine consumer believability towards its products' health claims. The most appropriate technique for this purpose is a) A. Observation b) B. Survey c) C. Experimentation d) D. Simulation 46) An easy reference about the sources of the data through which the research has been compiled is provided by the a) A. Footnotes b) B. Executive summary c) C. Introduction d) D. Bibliography 47) A critical review of the information, pertaining to the research study, already available in various sources is called a) A. Research review b) B. Data review c) C. Literature review d) D. Research design 48) The first step in the research process is the: a) A. Development of the research Plan b) B. Survey of stakeholders to determine if problems exist c) C. Collection of the available sources for needed information d) D. Definition of the problem and research objective 49) Which step in the marketing research process is generally considered to be the most prone to error? a) A. Problem Definition b) B. Data Collection c) C. Questionnaire Design d) D. Sample Framing 50) Data collection that focuses on providing an accurate description of the variables in a situation forms the basis of which type of study a) A. Exploratory Study b) B. Experimental Study c) C. Descriptive Study d) D. Causal Study 51) Causal research, also known as ------ a) A. Exploratory Research   b) B. Explanatory research c) C. Explosive Research d) D. Example Research 52) The ---------can be defined as a research method that is used to determine the cause and effect relationship between two variables. a) A. Casual Research   b) B. Descriptive Research c) C. Exploratory Research d) D. Causal research 53) What is the name of the conceptual framework in which the research is carried out? a) A. Research hypothesis  b) B. Synopsis of Research c) C. Research paradigm d) D. Research design 54) Which of the following features are considered as critical in qualitative research? a) A. Collecting data with the help of standardized research tools.  b) B. Design sampling with probability sample techniques. c) C. Collecting data with bottom-up empirical evidence. d) D. Gathering data with top-down schematic evidence. 55) In order to pursue the research, which of the following is primarily required? a) A. Developing a research design  b) B. Formulating a research question c) C. Deciding about the data analysis procedure d) D. Formulating a research hypothesis 56) Which one among the following statement is true in the context of the testing of hypotheses? a) A. It is only the alternative hypotheses that can be tested.  b) B. It is only the null hypotheses that can be tested. c) C. Both the alternative and the null hypotheses can be tested. d) D. Both the alternative and the null hypotheses cannot be tested. 57) What does the longitudinal research approach actually deal with? a) A. Long-term research  b) B. Short-term research c) C. Horizontal research d) D. Vertical Research 58) What do you understand by the term “Anusandhan”? a) A. Goal-oriented  b) B. Following an aim c) C. Attaining an aim d) D. Praying to achieve an aim 59) Which of the following does not correspond to characteristics of research? a) A. Research is not passive  b) B. Research is systematic c) C. Research is not a problem-oriented d) D. Research is not a process 60) The main aim of the scientific method in the research field is to _________ a) A. Improve data interpretation  b) B. Confirm triangulation c) C. Introduce new variables d) D. Eliminate spurious relations

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