1) Which group conquered Britain just before the Saxons? a) The Greeks b) The Vikings c) The Romans d) The Tudors 2) When did the Anglo Saxons come to Britain (approximately)? a) 410AD b) 41AD c) 14AD d) 4BC 3) Which countries in Europe did the Anglo Saxons invade from? a) Germany, Portugal and Spain b) Germany, Denmark and Sweden c) Germany, Netherlands and Denmark d) Germany, Sweden, Poland 4) What were the two men called who were invited to Britain to help fight the Scots? a) Herbert and Henry b) Hengest and Horsa c) Hayden and Hunter d) Hendrix and Hadrian 5) The 3 main tribes who invaded Britain were called... a) Angles, Jupes, Saxons b) Angels, Saxons, Jutes c) Angles, Jules, Saxons d) Angles, Jutes, Saxons


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