ponds: :are smal freshwater ecosystems., FLORA:Aquatic plants like water llies grow here., FAUNA: Animals such as ducks and smalI fish , Oceans and seas : CHARACTERISTICS:are the biggest aquatic ecosystems.They contain sah water in constant motiondue to waves and currents, FLORA: They are home to seaweeds and algan., FAUNA: Whales, sharks, octopuses and dolphins live here, Rivers: CHARACTERISTICSare bodies of flowing water., FLORAThey are home to plants and algae, FAUNA: Turtles, otters and salmon, Lakes: CHARACTERISTICare large bodies of still water., FLORA Some plants like reeds grow in still water., FAUNA. Lakes are home to trout, frogs, water snakes and birds., aquatic ecosystems: CHARACTERISTICS:situated in water environments., CHARACTERISTICS:They can be freshwater ecosystems like rivers, lakes and ponds, or saltwater ecosystems like oceans and seaS, rivers, lakes, ponds, oceans, seaS, terrestrial ecosystmes: Grasslands, CHARACTERISTICS. are situated on land and are surrounded by air., Deciduous forests, Rainforests, The tundra, Mediterranean forests, Deserts,



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