carnivore - I am an animals that mainly eat only meat. who am I?, herbivore - I am an animal that eat only plan. who am I?, omnivore - I am an animal that eats both meat and plant. who am I?, reptile - I am a cold blooded animal that has rough scaly skin. what am I?, bird - I am a vertebrate animal whose body is covered in feather, has wings to fly and lay eggs. who am i?, fish - I am a cold-blooded vertebrate who swims in fresh water or salt water. I move around by using my fins, and I breathe oxygen through my gills underwater. What am I?, amphibian - I am an animal group that is cold-blooded, lives in water and on land., mammals - I am an animal group that has hair or fur. The females in this group give birth to live babies and make milk in their bodies to feed their young. What animal group am I?,

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