a bad apple/egg - a bad influence/someone who brings trouble, a couch potato - a lazy person who watches a lot of TV, a lot on one's plate - a lot to do, take it with a grain/pinch of salt - don't completely believe what you are told, a piece of cake - very easily done, bun in the oven - be pregnant, it smells fishy - something that is suspicious, egg someone on - urge someone to do something bad, butter someone up - be extra nice to someone, a smart cookie - a very intelligent person, bring home the bacon - earn money for one’s family, the apple of one's eye - a person that is adored by someone, tough nut to crack - a difficult problem to solve, bigger fish to fry - to have more important things to do, in a nutshell - simply / all in all, in a pickle - in need of help, in a difficult spot, you can't have your cake and eat it (too) - you can't have something both ways, spill the beans - reveal a secret, take the cake - something is the most extreme, walk on eggshells - to have to act very sensitively in order to avoid offending someone, go bananas - go crazy, apples and oranges - used to express when we're trying to compare two things that are very different,

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