eglwys - church, lolfa - lounge, llyfrgell - library, swyddfa bost - post office, tafarn - pub, ysgol - school, amser - time, parc - park, banc - bank, cartref - a home, clwb - club, llestri - dishes, llyfr - book, rygbi - rugby, stamp - stamp, swper - supper, ysbyty - hospital, coginio - to cook, edrych ar - to look at , garddio - to garden, golchi - to wash, ymlacio - to relax, diwetha - last, wythnos diwetha - last week, ddoe - yesterday, gyda'r nos - in the evening, neithiwr - last night, wedyn - afterwards,

Mynediad Uned 5 Geirfa


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