Paleo - Nomads -  hunted large game - Clovis Point, Archaic - Semi permanent - 1st fishermen -  Atlatl, Woodland - used bow and arrow - simple farming - shows religious beliefs burial mounds, Mississippian - Chiefdom - large scale farming - encountered Hernando De Soto, Clovis Point - Weapon of choice for Paleo, Atlatl - Weapon of choice for Archaic , France - fur trade - Canada - Mississippi river region (LA), Spain - God, Gold, and Glory - Hernando De Soto - , England - - Supported permanent colonies - Wanted to support mercantilism (export more than import), Mercantilism - export more than import, Missions - Created by the Spanish to convert Native American to Catholic religion , Fur Trade - France's way to make money by trading. , Hernando DeSoto - 1st European to explore the interior of Georgia, Primary Sources - 1st hand account - Newspapers, diaries , Secondary Sources - Textbooks -- biography , Artifact - Something made by humans - pottery, Ecofacts - Something made by nature - fossils, Prehistory - History before written records were kept,


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