1) The energy that gets appliances on in the home(such as TV) is known as... a) Sound b) Electrical c) Heat d) Nuclear 2) Electricity is the movement of...? a) waves b) light c) charges d) lightening 3) The electricity will flow only when? a) the battery is in the circuit b) the circuit is broken c) the circuit is complete 4) What type of circuit is this? a) a ring circuit b) a series circuit c) a parallel circuit d) a serious circuit 5) What type of circuit is this? a) a ring circuit b) a series circuit c) a parallel circuit d) a serious circuit 6) In which type of circuit must the current split up down different branches (or paths?) a) a ring circuit b) a series circuit c) a parallel circuit d) a short circuit 7) In what type of circuit is the voltage split across different components a) a ring circuit b) a series circuit c) a parallel circuit d) a short circuit 8) In what type of circuit is the voltage the same down every branch (or path) a) series b) parallel c) short d) ring 9) In what type of circuit is the current the same through every part of the circuit? a) series b) parallel c) ring d) short 10) Current is measured in what? a) volts b) coloumbs c) charges d) amps (amperes) 11) Voltage is measured in what? a) Watts b) amperes c) volts d) columbs 12) What is the purpose of a fuse? a) to stop too large a current from melting the flex b) to stop too large a voltage from melting the flex c) to stop your appliances from blowing up d) to annoy you when a bulb blows in the house 13) What do you need for an electromagnet? a) a permanent magnet b) wire c) power supply/ battery d) iron core e) any metal core 14) What is the force that keeps the solar system together and us on the ground a) the strong force b) electomagnetic attraction c) gravity d) magnetism 15) What is the unit of force? a) Newtons b) watts c) amperes d) volts

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